Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Dentist Marietta: How much do dental fillings cost?

The cost of a filling can vary greatly, depending on who you go to, the type of filling and degree of restoration required.   An amalgam ("silver/mercury filling") is cheaper than a composite (white/resin filling), but will last significantly longer if you are unconcerned about aesthetics and the back and forth debate over whether or not amalgams may be linked to other health issues.  The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the American Dental Association (ADA) found there is no danger from an amalgam filling, but some specialists and consumers remain unconvinced by the findings.

One of the ways to find out the actual range of cost is to just call a local dentist from the internet and ask them.  You are going to find some hesitancy to quote over the phone because each person presents a different set of restorative circumstances, but you should be able to get a range of costs or a free consultation.

While costs vary from one area to the next and from one office to the next, the cost of typical amalgam filling ranges from approximately $75 to $175 per filling, whereas a composite resin filling ranges from $125 to $300 for a single surface restoration.  You should expect about 3 to five years (possibly 7 years) of use from the composite and as many as 20 years or longer from an amalgam restoration.  Actually a well-cared-for amalgam filling can last a lifetime, so the expensiveness of the filling really becomes a minor consideration.

Restorative circumstances are going to vary from tooth to tooth and decay may be found in one small spot or throughout a tooth. The restorative fees are based on the number of surfaces needing filling in a single tooth.  A silver amalgam filling on one or two surfaces averages $75 to $175, while for three or more surfaces it could go as high as $120 to $300 or more.  The same type of logic follows with respect to composite restorations.  Since composite resin fillings are more time consuming and require greater skills to completion they are more expensive than amalgam fillings and weigh in on the more expensive side of caries restorations.

Typically dental insurance covers most or all of the costs of a silver amalgam filling, but only 50 to 80 percent of the cost of a composite filling because the higher charge for the tooth-colored material is considered a cosmetic option. One exception is when an old amalgam filling is cracked or broken and is replaced with a composite filling.

Your dentist should be advising you of the type of filling based on the size of the cavity and the location of the tooth in your mouth.  Amalgams are more likely to be placed in the back of your mouth while composites are more likely to be used on more-visible front teeth. WebMD.com gives an overview of typical filling procedures and Colgate.com lists pros and cons of different types of fillings.

Amalgam Advantages

  • Amalgam fillings are strong and can withstand the forces of chewing.
  • They are relatively inexpensive and last a long time, compared with alternatives.
  • An amalgam filling is completed in one dental visit.

Amalgam Disadvantages

  • Amalgam doesn't match the color of your teeth.
  • Healthy parts of your tooth often must be removed to make a space large enough to hold an amalgam filling.
  • Amalgam fillings can corrode or tarnish over time, causing discoloration where the filling meets the tooth.
  • A traditional amalgam filling does not bond (stick) to your tooth, so the cavity preparation developed by your dentist requires undercuts or ledges to provide retention of the filling.  Your dentist may have to remove additional tooth structure to establish good retention for the filling.  
  • Some people may be allergic to mercury or be concerned about its effects, although research shows the amount of mercury exposure from fillings is similar to what people get from other sources in the environment.

Composite Advantages

  • Your fillings will match the color of your teeth and therefore undetectable.
  • A filling should be completed in one dental visit.
  • Composite fillings can bond directly to the tooth, making the tooth stronger than it would be with an amalgam filling.
  • Less drilling is involved than with amalgam fillings because your dentist does not have to shape the space as much to hold the filling securely.  The bonding process holds the composite resin in the tooth.
  • Indirect composite fillings are heat and light cured increasing their strength.
  • Composite resin can be used in combination with other materials, such as glass ionomer, to provide the benefits of both materials.

Composite Disadvantages

  • Although composite resins have become stronger and more resistant to wear, they generally don’t last as long as amalgam fillings under the pressure of chewing.
  • The composite may shrink when placed; this can lead to more cavities in the future in areas where the filling is not making good contact with your tooth.
  • This restoration takes more time and skill to place because they are usually placed in layers. The increased time and labor involved also contribute to the higher cost (compared with amalgam fillings).
  • Indirect fillings and inlays take at least two visits to complete. Your dentist takes impressions at the first visit and places the filling or inlay at the second visit.
  • In large restorations, composites may not last as long as amalgam fillings.

The trick is to find a qualified, well trained dentist, and that requires you to educate yourself about the dentist you choose and a basic knowledge about dentistry.  If we can be of service or answer any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us, we’re just a stone’s throw from Cobb County.

Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC

290 Carpenter Drive, 200A

Atlanta (Sandy Springs), GA 30328



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Monday, July 30, 2012

Dentist Marietta: How Much Do Dental X-rays Cost?

A single dental x-ray would cost between $28-38. Four check-up or bitewing x-rays may cost between $60-80, and a full mouth series (18 x-rays) or panoramic x-ray would cost between $100-200. If it’s a new practice or mature one that is trying to build or rebuild its patient base, often the x-rays will bundled with an examination that ends up costing the patient virtually nothing.  Most dental insurance covers x-rays at 100%. It is usually considered a diagnostic or preventive service.
If you are a new patient, the dentist should recommend x-rays to determine the present status of your oral health and to help identify changes that may occur later.  They give your dentist a baseline of your present condition.  A new set of x-rays may be needed to help your dentist detect any new cavities, determine the status of your gum health or evaluate the growth and development of your teeth. If a previous dentist has any radiographs of you, your new dentist may ask you for copies of them.
We take four bitewings (which show us in between the back teeth to check for cavities).
Sometimes we take a full series of images (18 images or so...which show us cavities plus also shows us bone levels and nerve health).
A panoramic image is a single image of the entire upper and lower arch. This requires a different machine and can cost $125-175 or more. It shows the entire mouth on one image.
Many diseases of the oral cavity (which includes the teeth and surrounding tissues and bone) cannot be seen when the dentist examines your mouth.
Dental x-rays are used to diagnose or detect tooth decay, impacted teeth, jaw problems, abscessed (infected) teeth, or current filling placement.  An x-ray exam can help your dentist see the small areas of decay between the teeth and fillings; bone damage from a tooth infection or cyst; bone loss due to periodontal (gum) disease; developmental defects; some types of tumors; the effects of trauma; and the position on unerupted teeth in children and adults.  Dental x-rays can also reveal bone loss from periodontal (gum) disease, locate tarter build-up, find foreign bodies within the gum or bone, and see if there is enough bone for the placement of dental implants.
Finding and treating dental problems at an early stage can save time, money and unneeded discomfort and help prevent more serious health problems.  A good dentist will tailor a treatment plan to your finances, altering the ideal treatment as much as possible to help you be able to afford it.  If we can be of help, please do hesitate to call, email or make an appointment to be seen.
Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC
290 Carpenter Drive, 200A
Atlanta (Sandy Springs), GA 30328

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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Dentist Marietta: How Much Does a Root Canal Cost?

The cost of having a root canal done depends upon where you live, the type of dentist and whether or not you have dental insurance.  The procedure is usually done by a specialist known as an endodontist, but can be performed in a general dentist’s office.  The procedure can range anywhere from $900 to 1500.00 depending on the tooth location and the number of root canals involved.  The diagnosis will require an initial x-ray, which can be performed by your general dentist and forwarded to the endodontist’s office.  Sometimes there are issues that arise where the endodontist wants to charge for an initial consultation.  This may or may not be necessary depending on the relationship the endodontist has with your referring general practitioner.  If you have insurance it will usually cover about half to eighty percent of the cost.  One of the added costs to a root canal that should be taken into account is either an amalgam (or composite) or crown restoration of the tooth by your general dentist upon completion of the procedure.
The root canal involves opening the tooth and removing the pulp of the tooth, which contains the tooth nerve that’s causing you so much pain.  What necessitates the procedure is the root of the tooth being infected and no known treatment to preserve the nerve from further deterioration.  The two most common causes of infection of the pulp are deep cavities and fractures or broken teeth. As treatment, the pulp tissue is removed, the root is cleaned with files and filled with an inorganic material that keeps bacteria out of the root and tooth.   Generally, a root/nerve involved tooth only gets worse over time without treatment.  And the longer you wait, the greater possibility you might suffer the loss of the entire tooth.
Prices don’t always reflect the quality of your treatment.  Having a sense of trust in your general dentist will usually result in the referral to our in-house endodontist that’s also worth trusting.  If we can be of service or you have further questions please don’t hesitate to contact us by phone or by email.  We are a stone’s throw from East Cobb, Vinings and downtown Marietta.
Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC
290 Carpenter Drive, 200A            
Atlanta (Sandy Springs), GA 30328
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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Dentist Dunwoody: The Importance of Oral Hygiene

Good oral hygiene is important for maintaining one's overall health.   It is generally appreciated within the dental and medical community that poor oral health can be linked to heart and lung disease, diabetes, stroke, extremely high-birth weight, and premature births. The presence of oral problems is usually the first warning signs of some of these general health issues.  This consensus among the various healthcare providers has risen to level that the U.S. Surgeon General has issued policy statements on oral health as a strong indicator of overall health and well-being (CDC, 2006).

Brushing and flossing have risen in importance as your key ‘between visits’ maintenance tools.  In addition, using the proper products for home care such as an electric toothbrush and ADA approved toothpastes and washes are equally important.  Without consistent care, several general as well as oral health problems may result or be exacerbated.  For all ages, you should consult with your dental care provider about using supplemental fluoride; especially if your water is not fluoridated or the majority of your water consumption is through bottled water.  In areas without fluoride in the water the rate of tooth decay and other health issues is much higher.

While practicing good oral hygiene is vital to your health, there is only so much that brushing and flossing can do.  Your average patient can easily overlook conditions that could greatly complicate or even end one's life.  Thus, visiting your dentist for regular checkups is a vital part of your overall health care.  "Routine dental exams uncover problems that can be easily treated in the early stages, when damage is minimal" (American Dental Association [ADA], 2008).  Since gum disease is acknowledged as a major risk factor for heart disease, stroke, and certain forms of cancer, regular visits to your dentist can help prevent and treat these potential diseases.  By treating conditions early and learning from your dentist how to prevent oral health issues, you can achieve better overall health and ultimately better the quality of your life.

Your dental care is an important aspect of your general health care.  So you need to make sure you find a dentist that is right for you and your family. This can be a difficult process.  Look for someone who’s competent and you feel comfortable with, one you can have a collaborative relationship with. This is important because there are conditions and problems that were not discussed in this article that the dentist will need to pay attention to during your regular checkups. Hopefully after reading this article, you will have a heightened understanding of the basic need for good oral health.  If you have additional questions or concerns feel free to contact us.

Dr. Scheinfeld is an Emory University School of Dentistry trained prosthodontist treating patients in the Sandy Springs, East Cobb, Dunwoody, Roswell, Johns Creek, Alpharetta, Vinings and Buckhead areas of Metro Atlanta.  Of the 170,000 dentists in the U.S., less than 2% are prosthodontist.

Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC

290 Carpenter Drive, 200A

Atlanta (Sandy Springs), GA 30328


resource information provided by:

The American Dental Association http://www.ada.org/

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2006, December). Oral Health for Adults. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Division of Oral Health. Retrieved February 6, 2009 from http://www.cdc.gov/oralhealth/publications/factsheets/adult.htm

Oral health in America: Summary of the surgeon general's report. (2006, April 16). Retrieved February 7, 2009, from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Web site: http://www.cdc.gov/Oralhealth/publications/factsheets/sgr2000_05.htm

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Tuesday, July 24, 2012


There is no better way to boost your self-confidence that adds a spark to your personality than a charming smile.  At The Right Smile Center, we can give you that.
If you have any sort of a smile defect such as gaps between teeth, crooked teeth, gummy smile, protruding teeth, stained teeth, chipped teeth, artificial looking crowns or any problem which makes you self-conscious while talking or smiling, The Right Smile Center has an expert panel of aesthetic dentists to help you.  All aesthetic defects are treated and corrected using various solutions such as veneers, bonding, tooth and gum contouring, etc., to shape and enhance your smile.
Your smile makes the first impression on everyone you meet.  A radiant smile will do much more than just cosmetic make ups or a new hair style to enhance your personality.  It will boost your personality and literally change your life!  If you would like to experience the magic of a dazzling but natural smile, book your appointment today and stand out from the rest.
A state-of the-art dental practice in the heart of Sandy Springs founded in 1992.
The Right Smile Center offers hi-tech, quality cosmetic and family dentistry in a friendly and comfortable environment.  We pride ourselves on our clinical excellence offered with unparalleled customer service.
Our cosmetic dentist Dr. Novy Scheinfeld is one of American’s Top Cosmetic Dentists in the Country. Dr. Scheinfeld is an Emory University trained prosthodontist, one of only 3200 out 170,000 dentists in the country.  Dr. Scheinfeld has treated CNN broadcasters, professional sports players, music artists like Stevie Nicks and dentists in the surrounding area.
Celebrity or not, if you want to solve a problem or create a new more natural smile, we are confident that we can help.

Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC

290 Carpenter Drive, 200A

Atlanta (Sandy Springs), GA 30328



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Monday, July 23, 2012

Marietta Dentist: Dental Implants are….

Your Natural Choice in Tooth Replacement.

Whenever a tooth is lost, if the bone structure will allow, it should be replaced with an implant.  Failure to replace the tooth with an implant will ultimately contribute to the loss of facial bone structure.  Dental implants are artificial tooth roots, which represent an alternative to dentures or bridgework.  The advantages vary from patient to patient and type of restoration but in addition to retained bone structure may include improved chewing ability, better speech, more secure fit of the restoration, greater comfort, and improved self-esteem.

The implant itself is made from Titanium and is surgically implanted in the jawbone to function in a similar way to a natural tooth root.  Depending on the individuals varying biological characteristics, it may be necessary for the implant to heal in the jawbone for a period of 3 to 6 months, which allows your bone to grow onto the implant in a process called Osseo-integration.

Once integrated, the implant is then exposed from the gum tissue, and a restoration consisting of one or more replacement teeth, is fabricated by the prosthodontist to fit on top of the implants.  In other cases it is possible to fit the teeth to the implants soon after implant placement, called immediate loading implants.

The restoration can be attached in several ways:

  • Removable structure, using special bars and clips.

  • Fixed or screw retained, using special screws and cement so that only your dentist can remove it, if necessary.

In the case of dentures, an implant-supported overdenture fits more securely than a conventional denture which rests on the gum tissue and offers no form of mechanical attachment.  The difference is the implants participate integrally in retaining bone structure in the jaw line.

Where a single tooth is lost adjacent healthy teeth can often remain intact and unaffected by an implant-supported restoration.  This is unlike conventional bridgework where healthy teeth are structurally altered to support the bridge.

Implants are usually placed under local anesthesia in the oral surgeon’s office.  The procedure involved in placing the implants is generally not painful and usually requires minimal recovery time and post-operative medication.

Only your dentist can tell whether you’re a candidate for dental implants.  Certain health conditions (like uncontrolled diabetes) or risk factors (like smoking) may preclude your ability to undergo implant therapy.  In addition, appropriate hygiene must be established prior to implant therapy and must be maintained to ensure the long-term success of the implant.  If we can be of assistance or answer any of your concerns or questions please feel free to contact our office.

Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC

290 Carpenter Drive, 200A

Atlanta (Sandy Springs), GA 30328


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